Is there any platform that facilitates language immersions by connecting directly students to language teachers?
That question was the seed of LinGo Immersion.
Born in Barcelona in 2023, LinGo Immersion aims at enhancing language and cultural learning as well as communication strength by allowing different types of immersive experiences.
Jump to the native country for language and cultural immersion experiences allows students to:
Learn faster and deeper
By constant exposure, communication need, experiential learning and intensive practice.
Meet locals
Get richer and more authentic linguistic and cultural immersion experiences with locals
Select your teacher
Select the most suitable teacher based on their experience offer, teaching methodology, location...
Enjoy rural areas and cities
Stay in rural and remote areas of the country, as well as in vibrant cities . It’s up to your choice!
Customize your learning
Customize your learning experience by discussing your needs with your teacher before booking.
Get extra cash!
In LinGo Immersion teachers set their own price for services to students (teaching, hosting, visits, experiences, activities...).
Work flexible
Teachers are free to organise and adapt their services according to their needs, schedule and availability.
Meet international people
With common interests and lifestyle. LinGo Immersion is not just about teaching, but also about learning and socializing.
Offer your own program
Propose any of your hobbies as a service,. go to places you love, do the teaching activity you like... Nothing is as fun as enjoying your job!
Reuse empty spaces
One of the principles of the shared economy. In a LinGo Immersive Stay, teachers can give a new life to those empty spaces.
What are the LinGo Immersion’s values?
We believe that international meetings open up to other cultures, broaden minds and make us more tolerants and respectful of other lifestyles.
We are next to other since we are born, thus sociability and humanity are matched. We believe that socializing improves menthal health.
LinGo Immersion promotes off the beaten track destinations, thus supporting sustainable tourism practices and local economies and cultures.
Choosing set us free. Teachers can choose when, how and for how much. Students can choose where, how and with whom.
An immersive travel experience is a conscious experience that brings us to here and now. Being aware gives us a greater mental health.
Self improvement
Improving your language learning or your teaching strategy keeps your brain healthy, makes you more empathetic and a better person.
Diversity and Inclusion
At LinGo Immersion we recognise and appreciate the variety. We believe in equity, inclusion, dignity and respect for ALL, thus we enhance a community where everyone feels welcome, valued and respected.